Asking for Support

60 min — presentation, discussion in pairs, full group discussion

How do we ask for the support we really need?

Your personal wellbeing is too important to neglect. "We all need somebody to lean on" at times. Who can you ask for support? How/when can you ask them? How can you make sure they are okay with helping? How can you ask for the specific support you need? Even if you can answer all of these questions, applying those answers is the hard part. It takes practice!

Benefits When Addressed

Happier - You will be able to get the support you need, and give support to others.
More Effective - You will get more done when your support needs are met.

Risks When Ignored

Unhappy - You will not be comfortable giving or receiving as much support.
Less Effective - You will not get as much done when you are grappling with unmet support needs.

Is this for me? Ask yourself:

Do you sometimes hesitate to ask for help when you need it?
Do you have trouble asking for the specific support you need?
Do you proactively make space for others to ask for your support?

Learning Objectives

Attendees will understand how important human connection is for wellbeing, and be able to define the term emotional labor.
Attendees will brainstorm on their own who they can ask for help, and how/when they can ask for help.
Attendees will understand the importance of making space for support.
Attendees will practice asking for the type of support they need, based on the levels of listening and validation from the Communicating Understanding workshop.
